Tag Archives: ceilings

Blog Series #12 DIY Cleaning Ceilings: How to be Green & Healthy

DIY all things cleaning the ceilings in your home.

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Are you enjoying my blog series on cleaning room by room? Are you ready for post #12 in this series? And one of the awesome things about natural DIY cleaning is if you have been following & applying the series you already have everything you need to clean your whole house. I basically use the same natural items Ito clean everywhere in my home. Using the same items like Vinegar for cleaning the whole house saves everyone time, money & health plus the added peace of mind knowing that using these products in your home is safe for you, your family & the environment. This article is for cleaning your ceilings fast, easy & effectively using DIY safe natural cleaning products. A blog post on DIY cleaning your vehicles will be the subject of the next blog post in this series, so stay tuned for that.

You can go to any of the other 11 post in this series of articles & safely use the recipes found in them to clean almost everything in your home, cars etc so I highly recommend you check them out for more cleaning ideas for cleaning your ceilings also.

Some of the things you need for DIY ceiling cleaning:

Make sure to check out my series of articles: How to be Green & Healthy: Room by room, I will be adding articles on how to clean each room in your house, DIY, natural & frugal. Blog series of articles on: How to be Green & Healthy: Room by room.

All things DIY for the whole house, Green cleaning, subjects being added: laundry, bathroom, kitchen, living room, dining room, bedrooms, kids bedrooms, nursery, office, floors, walls, ceilings, vehicles, & Pest control.

DIY clean ceilings: How to Green & Healthy, but if you are new to DIY cleaning & my blog series you might ask: Are these DIY ideas as effective to kill germs, fungus  &  bacteria  like commercial cleaning  products do?
My loud affirmative answer is: YES! You bet they are! but I am guessing if you have been following this series you agree & have looked up all the info provided in blog posts 1 -8, as I always say, research, research, research! If you ask me I will very fast tell you DIY green cleaning is down right amazing, then add to that we get sick so very rarely so that’s a big clue to them no compromising our immune system & them working. I also have known many friends who while switching to DIY natural cleaners saw their health improve greatly.

Now onto how to make all things: DIY Cleaning your Ceilings.

cleaners On ceiling just like on walls & other surfaces I always suggest using caution if using anything wet or that can stain, so yes research your type of finish & spot check painted ceilings,  wood, stucco or other types of finishes etc.

From Post #5
Food on ceilings or walls
If none of the DIY spray cleaners work try this. Make a paste of baking soda & water, baking soda & peroxide, baking soda & vinegar etc & simply wipe on & rub gently & simply wipe off with a clean damp sponge.

From Post #9
Ceiling fans box fans etc: simply use a DIY spray cleaner or DIY dusting spray, simply spray and wipe box fans. For ceiling fans spray the blade & spray lightly the inside of a pillow case, slide pillow case over blade & use a broom to slide around & clean both sides & simply pull off.

Small holes in ceilings. ceiling1
Make a thick paste with baking soda & water, or borax & water & simply fill holes, wait for them to dry & paint over them, this can also be done with white toothpaste. This is for small holes only.


Killing & Repelling Flies, Gnats/Fruit flies, Spiders & other bugs (Spray):
Use a large spray bottle
16 oz rubbing alcohol  (or grain alcohol)
1 tsp eucalyptus essential oil
1 tsp peppermint essential oil
1 tsp natural liquid soap (Like Castile etc or original blue dawn)
Fill the rest of the bottle with water or use straight for best results
Lightly mist on ceilings, & spray spiders & other bugs, I use this on my drywall ceilings that have knockdown on them just fine, never have issues.
Can be used as a cleaner to help repel around the house.

You can use the mixture without the essential oils but it will not work to repel spiders & in other cases might not work as well

Optional add 1 tsp food grade diatomaceous earth, but if you add the DE do not use as a cleaner simply because it can leave a chalky residue behind. Spray gnats & flies etc.


Bugs (powder):
Food grade diatomaceous earth is the best natural bug killer including roaches, it is a bit harder to get on ceilings (try not to breath too much in as just like any powder it can be a mild lung irritant) but you can use various way to get the DE in spots that bugs enter, like putting it in the holes & crack by applying with a damp or dry sponge, paintbrush, cotton swabs etc or using any number of dusters & applicators. I leave DE out at all times, I only clean it off the ceilings & add new about every 8 weeks or if I start seeing new spiders, roaches or other bugs.



Roach killer & repel spray:
Simply colloidal silver is amazing at killing a repelling roaches, it does not work as fast as DE does but it is great, I add colloidal silver to a spray bottle & spray the areas they frequent or enter, after a few days you see less roaches then you start finding some dead roaches. I add colloidal silver to all my DIY spray cleaners DIY room/deodorizing sprays & DIY bug sprays it is not only great for germs & bacteria & preserving the cleaner naturally it helps repel roaches while you spray. more info here)


Mold on ceilings spray #1peroxide cleaner
1 bottle of peroxide 3/4 full
add 20 drops of tea tree essential oil
& fill the other 1/4 with lemon juice.
Simply add a spray top to the bottle & spray mold.
Mold can be tricky & you might need to scrub if the discoloration does not go away after several weeks of adding the spray, try using a toothbrush, baking soda/borax & the spray, but sometimes the mold is gone & the color remains so you might just need to paint over the spot after you kill the mold.
Mold on ceilings spray #2
Large spray bottle
20 drops tea tree essential oil
1 cup peroxide
1 cup of warm water with 4 tbsp. of borax & 2 tbsp. of baking soda dissolved into it, add to spray bottle, top off bottle with more peroxide, do the same as above.

Dusting spray for ceilings:

1 part rubbing alcohol, 1 part white or citrus vinegar
Essential oil of choice.
in spray bottle
spray & wipe with dry wash cloth, repeat as needed
Spider webs:
My favorite way to get them down is to vacuum them down.
But you can also spray a DIY cleaner or straight vinegar on a clean broom lightly & use it to get them down,
General cleaning of light fixtures:
If you can remove the fixtures soak them in warm baking soda water, scrub if needed with a tooth-brush, rinse in vinegar water, allow to dry.
If they can not be removed simply use a DIY glass cleaner
Cleaning wood trim: 
1 Spray bottle
1/2 of spay bottle with vinegar (Apple cider vinegar for dark wood, white vinegar or light wood)
3 tbsp lemon juice
2 tsp of olive oil is small spray bottle, 4 tsp if large spray bottle (option: use vegetable oil instead)
5 drops lemon essential oil
Fill the rest of the spray bottle with water
Combine mix spray & wipe.
To shine brass & metals on light fixtures or on ceiling fans etc:
Use a DIY spray cleaner or warm baking soda & borax water for tough jobs. using a toothbrush if needed. Wipe clean with damp sponge.
Optional: use above wood cleaner & buff to shine.
Cigarette smoke stains:
Use strait white vinegar or citrus vinegar to scrub with a brush, wash cloth or sponge, for some surfaces you need to do this allow to dry then repaint. (works for walls too)


Do you have a question? Do you want to contact me? It is easy to contact me with your questions. Go here


My blogs: Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kidsNFR6K BloggerNFR6K DIY Green CleaningNaturally Teen Approved NFR6K Reviews

What Brands of coconut oil do I trust for taking & oil pulling? That is simple I use & recommend these 2 great brands:

  1. Skinny & Co. Coconut oil: Medicinal grade Extra Virgin coconut oil 100% pure. (click link for ordering info)
  2. Tropical Traditions Virgin Gold Label Coconut oil. (click link for ordering info)
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Virgin Coconut Oil, Gold Label how to Use Coconut Oil: There are hundreds of uses!

I do accept products to review on my blog

  • My reviews policy: I am sent products to review on my blog and that all opinions are my own. (to contact me to review your product go here)

SmartKlean Laundry ball / Stain remover – Safe – Effective – Saves Money, Water & the Environment. To order a SmartKlean Laundry Ball go here & use my affiliate page.

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The information on this site it intended for general inquiry, research & informational purposes only & should not be considered a substitute or replacement for trained medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
I am NOT a doctor, this page is for education & research only. Always consult a doctor, your health practitioner or other competent licensed health professional before taking any herbs or supplements, using alternative ideas & for any specific advice about medical treatments. In many cases these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

All  information contained in the pages of Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids blog, blog posts, site, Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest or elsewhere are for information & research only.


By Natural & Frugal: Raising 6 kids